Jedediah Beckwourth

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Jed’s our best man here. He’s been here the longest and has the most real experience. If you need someone to show you the ropes, well, ask someone else. He don’t do charity. He showed up, oh, six years ago, I think. Apparently a Beaverlisk got a bit too close to his homestead and carried off his wife while he was out trappin’. He’s been hunting the confounded beasts ever since, and he tears those dams apart like a madman looking for her. Still hasn’t found her yet, sadly enough, but that doesn’t stop him. I don’t rightly know what he plans on doing if he finds her, but that’s his business, not mine. If you ever get sent on a job with him, just be prepared for the unexpected. Jed does what he wants, whether we like it or not, but he’s too good at his job for us to give him too much trouble over it.

The Jedediah Beckwourth miniature, Resin printed in high level detail for tabletop games such as D&D 5e.

The model comes in multiple pieces that can be glued together as well as the stat block provided in physical form.

This model comes in the colour grey and is unpainted.

Due to the nature of resin printing, small artifacts may still remain on the model which can be sanded away. I do my best to remove as many as I can however some may be missed.


Please note that some model come split in parts or split from their base and require some sort of adhesive like super glue to attach to the other parts.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. This model design and the digital render is by the creator at The Dragon Trapper's Lodge and part of the Frontier Set, August 2021 Release, who can be found at

(I have the merchant license to sell these models)